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Fit to Switch

Stand: A74
  • | Broadband connectivity
  • | Broadband Connectivity

Fit to Switch is here to help UK PLC & Citizens understand how to take advantage of the BT switch-off in 2025. Are you fit to switch?

What & Why?
The BT-owned UK wide copper-based telephone network is being retired. BT proposes that as of December 2025, all UK telephony will be digital-only, and carried over a fibre-only network.
The implications may be profound for many businesses. Particularly around some of the hard-wired but seldom considered internal infrastructure like:

  • lift lines,
  • fax machines,
  • card payment machines
  • alarm systems
  • hard-wired back up systems…

Many of which may have been in place, installed by third-party suppliers and running unremarked in the background, for decades -- to the extent that neither the business owners nor their present telecoms or broadband suppliers may not even be aware of them.

The switch-off is coming. Will your business be Fit To Switch?

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  • Julien Parven Director of Daisy Communications explains how Fit to Switch helps 'gain critical momentum' in educating end user businesses, and navigating them on to new technologies.
  • Gamma's Sara Sheikh speaks further on the importance of Fit to Switch, and being able to spread the switch-off message without a sales-heavy pitch.
  • Watch Fit to Switch's Media Launch presentaion in full from their launch event at One Great George's Street on 5th December 2025. Hear from Fit to Switch founders, Adrian Barnard, Mat Swift and Chris ...


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