Tech Channel Ambassadors
The Channel a £100Billion industry no one has heard of.
At TCA, we are raising awareness of career opportunities across the IT channel to those in education, those returning to employment and those looking to change career. This includes, opportunities for girls, BAME, disabled, neurodiverse, LBGT+ and disadvantaged groups.
We, as an industry, have a long-standing shortage of people. The UK Channel needs to recruit more than 100,000 people to plug the current skills gap, currently businesses are spending around £1.5bn a year, to retain staff and avoid losing them to the competition.
Our goal is to inform about the opportunities in the IT channel and the multiple career paths available, to dispel the myth that you need to be interested in coding, to get into the IT Channel, which leads to self-exclusion and negatively impacts diversity in the channel.
While many organisations have effective recruitment plans, we need a cooperative industry wide strategic approach involving all stakeholders to resolve this long-standing career recruitment challenge.
We all benefit from getting more people and greater diversity. Key benefits include lower recruitment costs, better retention, broader talent base, greater engagement with government and education and greater strategic approach to long-standing shortages.