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Andrew Gomarsall

Andrew Gomarsall

Co-Founder Bioscope Technologies & Executive Director, n2s

Andy’s role sees him lead the overall strategy on Business and Sustainability and work with clients to decarbonise their technology estate. His vision and mission is to close the loop for a circular economy for the manufacture of technology using only recycled metals. This includes the environmentally friendly refining of precious metals from PCB’s (Printed circuit boards), helping to slow down and stop the illegal mining of our earth’s resources and the export of waste to un-developed territories.

Andy is a passionate environmentalist and sustainability leader. Inspired by the UN SDGs and Net Zero 2050, he has been lobbying the tech sector to become a green force for good in the quest for decarbonising the UK.

A Rugby World Cup winner - in 2003 - and finalist in 2007, Andy’s 17-year rugby career saw him play for England and seven premiership clubs. He was awarded an MBE for services to Rugby in 2004 for his part in winning the world cup.
